Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bible and Koran Equal? The Pope Thinks So......

Pope Benedict XVI recently received the board officers of something called the "Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue." This was reported in a Feb 1 article titled, "Pope Says Jews, Christians, Muslims are Called to Develop Bonds," in The Pilot, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston.

This group is another one of those ecumenical fronts featuring Catholic priests, Moslem Imams, and Jewish rabbis. The pope (or Herr Ratzinger as he was called back then) was one of the founding members in 1999.

The visiting officers presented to His Holiness the group's first completed project – a joint edition, and in chronological order, of "the Hebrew bible, the New Testament, and the Quran (koran) in their original languages." The article said:

"The pope also said that reading the three texts together can help believers 'discern and reject' ideas and actions that violate God's will and human dignity."

Comment – How many people have the ability to read Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Arabic? The pope has got to be kidding!! No one's going to read this thing!

But, the pope again shows himself a blasphemer by approving of a koran being tacked on to the bible. "Allah" says in the koran in Surah 2:186:

"I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me WITHOUT ANY MEDIATOR OR INTERCESSOR (emphasis mine)."

I've read the koran from start to finish, and made note of the many places where it is in opposition to the bible. For example, the BIBLE says man needs a mediator! John 14:6 says:

"Jesus saith unto him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.'"

The bible is from heaven. The koran is from hell. Only a wicked man like the pope would dare shake his fist at God and place a bible in a "joint edition" with a koran.

Roman Catholicism will continue to drag the bible down to the level of other world religion literature as the papacy constantly seeks to make itself master of a global religious system. Pray fervently that God protect us from the papacy!