Thursday, October 18, 2007

Puritans - An Example for Catholics??

“We need to recover the Puritan influence on our culture,” so said Dr Ramon Luzarraga in a recent speech to young adult Catholics. This was reported in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, The Catholic Telegraph, in an Oct 5 article titled, “Puritan Influence On Tap.”

Did he really mean this? I don’t think so.

Catholics are always looking to “influence” the culture, but I’m sure they are only interested in the political power the Puritans had in early America, not their theology!

Luzarraga had some nice things to say about the Puritans:

“Puritan ideals laid the foundation for democracy in the United States, and established much of the cultural core of our identity as Americans.”

“One unabashed plus of the Puritan legacy is how they left behind the tradition of volunteerism in this country.”

But……Luzarraga (as any good Catholic) could not give proper credit to the true and saving Christ of the bible that the Puritans were trusting in! Instead, he said:

“Their ideals and values derived primarily from their English nationality.”

Wrong!! “Their ideals and values derived primarily” from trusting in Christ alone for salvation, and basing their lives on the bible, not papal pronouncements, eating wafers, or fables from the lives of saints.

What did the Puritans say about Catholicism? Let’s take a look at a few quotes from a 1663 published sermon by Thomas Watson titled, “Mr Watson’s Sermon Against Popery:”

“Idolatry doth bud and blossom in the Popish Religion. It should be the earnest prayer and endeavour of every good Christian that none of those poisonous streams that flow from the See of Rome may ever infest this British Isle.”

“It is a cruel religion, it is maintained by blood and cruelty. The Pope will have St Paul’s sword as well as St Peter’s keys; and what he cannot maintain by dint and force of argument, that he will endeavour to maintain by force of arms. In a word, the Popish Church is a Purple Whore, dyed with the blood of saints and matyrs.”

“The Mass, which is indeed gross idolatry.”

“There is, they say, a middle and infernal place, called Purgatory. Now what is this but a subtle artifice and trick to get money?”

“The Popish Religion is an impure, filthy religion, they allow of stews (stew – a public hot bath frequented by homosexuals) and brothel-houses for money.”

Sorry, Dr Lazarraga, but the Puritans saw Rome for what it is – antichrist!

May God free many Catholics from Rome, and bless them with the same saving faith He so abundantly bestowed upon the Puritans! As Watson ended his sermon, “Hold fast and hold forth the Protestant Religion and adorn it with a Holy and Bible-conversation.”