Monday, March 17, 2008

"Bible" - How Rome Likes It

The Catholic Church’s perverted view of the bible was on display, literally, the past three months at the Phoenix Art Museum, as the “St John’s Bible” just ended a three month-stint there on March 9. What is the St John’s Bible?

It is a hand-written, medieval-style, vellum (calfskin) paged, replete with illustrations bible. It was commissioned several years ago by the St John’s Abbey in Minnesota, and produced by Donald Jackson, a Welsh artist and former scribe to Queen Elizabeth II.

This was reported in The Catholic Sun, the Phoenix, Arizona diocesan newspaper, in a Dec 6, 2007 article titled, “Illuminated Bible Exhibit Celebrates the Old in a New Way.”

St John’s Abbey Father Eric Hollas said, “We wanted to emphasize that the art and illuminations of this bible should be contemporary…something that would express 21st century artistic temperament.”

And – Father Hollas got his wish! Here are some of the screwball things incorporated into this bible:

1. Several illustrations incorporate images of the Hubble Space Telescope.

2. “Across the pages of the Book of Psalms are graphic renditions of sound waves, representing that Jews and Christians alike have sung these sacred poems for centuries.”

3. Other illustrations “point to themes of hospitality, the link between Judaism and Christianity, women in the bible, and the poor and oppressed.”

4. Adam and Eve are portrayed as Africans, while the decorative framing around them includes African tapestry patterns with a Peruvian feather cape.

Interesting……How do you spell politically correct?

Comment – You ought to see some of the other “illustrations” in this bible – it all looks like trash from Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollack, or stuff I did in 3rd grade art class. It’s that bad!!

This bible is written in English using the NRSV translation. Calligraphers created all sorts of new, medieval-style letters for this “bible.” For example, in the Pentateuch, there are over 70 different ways the letter “T” is drawn.

Hollas said, “Art has the ability to cross the gap and project a message that words alone sometimes cannot do (emphasis mine).”

This project reveals the real attitude of Catholicism toward the bible – all gussied up but difficult, if not impossible to read and understand! The heart of Rome yearns for those days when bibles were locked up in monasteries and churches, unread by the people. The last thing a Catholic priest wants is people reading (gasp!) a bible!

Father Hollas is a liar – “words alone” have served the purposes of God quite well. Romans 10:17 says: “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Thank God for the printing press! Every day as you open your bible, ask God to protect us from the Catholic Church, because you can bet guys like Father Hollas would just love to take our bibles away!