Saturday, March 10, 2007

Catholicism: 'Always the Same?' Not Quite......

With more and more Catholics choosing to be cremated, the Catholic Church has changed their laws about cremation, and now even uses it as a money-maker! This was seen in the March 2 issue of The Catholic Telegraph, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, in an article titled, “Catholics and Cremation: Times Have Changed.”

The article gave a listing of several monasteries that sell, from $225-$245, various kinds of wooden urns for ashes. Also, ceramic monk-made urns are going for $245 these days.

The pope said in his March 7 weekly audience:

“The church is not a place of confusion or anarchy where each person can do what he wants at the moment.”

However......again the papacy refuses to practice what it preaches! Rome used to prohibit cremation – even to the point of excommunication! Here are two canons from the 1917 Code of Canon Law:

Canon 1240.5: “Persons who have given orders for the cremation of their bodies are deprived of ecclesiastical burial, unless they have before death given some signs of repentance.”

Canon 2339: “Persons who, in violation of the prohibition of Canon 1240, dare to order or force the ecclesiastical burial (of those who are to be deprived of it) incur EXCOMMUNICATION (emphasis mine) ipso facto; and persons who of their own accord give ecclesiastical burial to the above mentioned, incur an interdict from entering a church.”

Since the Catholic Church is a man-made organization, it usually adapts to what the world is doing. Now that cremation is popular, Rome has changed the rules! The new 1983 Code of Canon Law says:

Canon 1176.3: “The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burying bodies of the deceased be observed; nevertheless, the Church does not prohibit cremation unless it was chosen for reasons contrary to Christian doctrine.”

Coincidentally, the article did not publish the above contrasting canons. Sadly, Rome knows that most Catholics will just blindly accept the latest "teaching" without checking to see if Rome taught differently in the past.

The bible says in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” This CANNOT be said of the Catholic Church and its ever-changing ways.

The Catholic Church’s motto is Semper Eadem – “Always the Same.” But history shows this is not true. Their real motto should be Semper Diversus – “Always Different.”

May God give Catholics the grace to flee the ever-shifting sands of Catholic teaching, and bless them with faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins.