Monday, November 05, 2007

Catholic "Retreat" - More Like Political Indoctrination!

The Catholic Church continues to prepare American Catholics for the Mexicanization of the USA. This was reported in the Nov 1 issue of The Catholic Sun, the newspaper of the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, in an article titled, “Young Americans, Mexicans, Experience Faith on the Border.”

The dioceses of Phoenix, Tucson, Arizona, and Hermosillo, Mexico, sent about 100 teenagers to a weekend retreat in Nogales, Mexico. The purpose? To help “Catholics from the United States and Mexico (to) get to know each other better.”

It was more political indoctrination than religious retreat, designed to brainwash young American Catholics into thinking there is nothing wrong with massive illegal immigration. Here are some “retreat” highlights:

1. They went to a border wall (on the Mexican side) and looked at graffiti, excuse me……murals depicting “artists renderings of hope and fear painted on the border barrier.”

2. Watched a movie called Dying to Live, a propaganda piece about “why immigrants leave their native land and the hardships suffered on the journey.”

3. Examined newspaper and magazine articles on the border and social divisions.

Question - What kind of a Catholic parent would put his kid through such a weekend?

Answer – A parent trying to kiss up to his local priest!

As is always the case with the Catholic Church – they never give you the full story. For example, I doubt the teenagers were told:

1. At least 4.5 million pounds of cocaine is smuggled across the US-Mexican border each year.

2. Illegal aliens are involved in criminal activities at a rate that is 2-5 times their representative proportion of the population.

3, Over 67% of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

The list is endless……

The Catholic Church is an enemy of the United States, seeking to dump the 500 years of Mexican Catholic corruption and poverty on to the United States. Please pray daily that God protect the USA from this illegal alien and Catholic attack upon America.