Sunday, November 11, 2007

Jumping on the Bandwagon

With the Catholic Church having been so thoroughly exposed as a haven and protector of child molesters and perverts, Roman clergy are now loudly proclaiming themselves as defenders of children whenever a story of sexual abuse appears in the media. That is – whenever the abuse was in a place other than the Catholic Church!!

Such blatant hypocrisy was seen in an article by Archbishop Harry Flynn of the Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the Nov 1 issue of The Catholic Spirit, the archdiocesan newspaper. The article was titled (and please don’t laugh):

“Let’s Work Together to Eradicate Child Abuse.”

Comment – He’s got to be kidding!! Where was His Grace on this issue five years ago?

Flynn was commenting on a recent AP story about sex abuse in public schools. Here are some examples of his laughable Catholic hypocrisy:

“We as a community, as a state, and as a nation must embrace this plague of sex abuse…and work for the long-haul to eradicate it from our homes, schools, community groups, and places of worship.”

“The Catholic Church must be concerned about all child-victims of sexual abuse, no matter where it occurs.”

“The Associated Press has done a huge service to the nation by undertaking and publishing this study on sexual misconduct in public schools.”

Comment – Can we really believe this guy?? Especially the line about the media doing a “huge service.” The Catholic Church hates the media for how it exposed them in the past several years!! A dictatorial institution like the Catholic Church cannot brook any criticism.

Flynn ended his article thusly:

“It is time for all of these well-intentioned people and groups to dedicate their time and resources on the deeply entrenched problem of sexual abuse in our public schools in this country.”

Comment – Flynn forgot something. What about parochial schools?

Rome has lately paid out a lot of money in lawsuits and gotten rid of a few priests, but most of the priestly perverts are still out there, they’re just being a little more careful now. The Roman priesthood and monastic system will continue to attract an inordinate amount of queers and fairies to its ranks.

May God continue to protect children from – the Roman Catholic Church.