The Opus Dei Candidate for President
On Jan 20, Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) announced he would run for President in 2008.
Brownback was a Methodist who in 2002 converted to Catholicism under the tutelage of Father Robert McCloskey, an Opus Dei member who works out of Washington's Catholic Information Center.
McCloskey, a Columbia graduate and former Wall Streeter who worked at Merrill Lynch and Citibank, moves easily among the Washington power brokers, and has appeared on all the major US TV news talk shows. He excuses his mixing with the rich and powerful by perverting history and the bible. He wrote in the Jan 2001 issue of the Catholic World Report:
"In the first several centuries of Christianity, the Gospel was most successfully preached not to the poor and the outcasts, but rather to the prosperous middle classes and educated upper classes in the cities."
What?? I wonder what bible he's reading? Jesus said to the disciples of John the Baptist in Matthew 11:5:
"The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the POOR (emphasis mine) have the gospel preached to them."
In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus spoke more favourably of the widow who cast in two mites rather than "the rich men casting in their gifts into the treasury."
Opus Dei is a secretive Catholic organization that recruits the elite and works against nations. From 1985 until his arrest in 2001, Opus Dei member and FBI agent Robert Hanssen sold US secrets to the Soviets and others, in what a March, 2002 US Justice Department memo called, "Possibly the worst intelligence disaster in US history."
Also – the FBI Director from 1993-2001, Louis Freeh, was a suspected Opus Dei member, although this has not been proven. BUT:
1. Freeh's brother Charles was director of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Opus Dei center.
2. Freeh attended the same Catholic Church in Virginia as Robert Hanssen.
3. Coincidentally......Freeh quietly and surprisingly retired in April 2001, two months after Hanssen was arrested. Interesting............
Sam Brownback will fool a lot of Christians by saying he's against abortion and homosexual marriages, when in reality he's probably the Opus Dei puppet in the presidential scramble.
May God protect the USA from Opus Dei and the Roman Catholic Church.
Brownback was a Methodist who in 2002 converted to Catholicism under the tutelage of Father Robert McCloskey, an Opus Dei member who works out of Washington's Catholic Information Center.
McCloskey, a Columbia graduate and former Wall Streeter who worked at Merrill Lynch and Citibank, moves easily among the Washington power brokers, and has appeared on all the major US TV news talk shows. He excuses his mixing with the rich and powerful by perverting history and the bible. He wrote in the Jan 2001 issue of the Catholic World Report:
"In the first several centuries of Christianity, the Gospel was most successfully preached not to the poor and the outcasts, but rather to the prosperous middle classes and educated upper classes in the cities."
What?? I wonder what bible he's reading? Jesus said to the disciples of John the Baptist in Matthew 11:5:
"The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the POOR (emphasis mine) have the gospel preached to them."
In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus spoke more favourably of the widow who cast in two mites rather than "the rich men casting in their gifts into the treasury."
Opus Dei is a secretive Catholic organization that recruits the elite and works against nations. From 1985 until his arrest in 2001, Opus Dei member and FBI agent Robert Hanssen sold US secrets to the Soviets and others, in what a March, 2002 US Justice Department memo called, "Possibly the worst intelligence disaster in US history."
Also – the FBI Director from 1993-2001, Louis Freeh, was a suspected Opus Dei member, although this has not been proven. BUT:
1. Freeh's brother Charles was director of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Opus Dei center.
2. Freeh attended the same Catholic Church in Virginia as Robert Hanssen.
3. Coincidentally......Freeh quietly and surprisingly retired in April 2001, two months after Hanssen was arrested. Interesting............
Sam Brownback will fool a lot of Christians by saying he's against abortion and homosexual marriages, when in reality he's probably the Opus Dei puppet in the presidential scramble.
May God protect the USA from Opus Dei and the Roman Catholic Church.