Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How "Courageous" Can a Catholic Priest Be?

One answer was provided in the June 12 Catholic Zenit News Agency article titled, “When a Host Isn’t Swallowed.”

The false teaching that Jesus turns Himself into wafers at the command of a Catholic priest, and then people eat Him, leads to some strange predicaments! The article tries to answer the question:

“How should one dispose of a consecrated host (wafer) which was placed in the mouth of an ill person who, in the end, was unable to swallow it?”

One answer was:

“Some courageous ministers might be willing to consume such a host themselves out of respect, but this is usually not advisable and is unnecessary.”


Well……for priests not so “courageous,” there is another option:

“A host which has been partially consumed in some way may be disposed of by placing it in water until it has dissolved, and then pouring the water into the sacrarium or into the ground.”

Hmmmm……according to Rome, “Jesus” dissolves in water. Only a mind bent on rejecting the true Christ of the bible would believe such a notion! I wonder how much of the wafer has to dissolve before “Jesus” says, “I’m getting out of this thing.”

Please keep praying for Catholic conversions, as only God’s grace can free them from the hellish idea that Jesus turns Himself into wafers.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

'Vibrant' Downsizing

Question - What does the Cleveland, Ohio Roman Catholic Diocese call its plan to shut down anywhere from 23 to 48 of its 231 churches?

Answer – It’s part of their Vibrant Parish Life program!

Big-city Roman dioceses, like Cleveland, have seen this coming for years as Catholics have moved out to the suburbs, thus sticking the diocese with many inner-city churches that are empty and not bringing in the money!

The Vibrant Parish Life program is nothing but a Catholic propaganda effort to make a good “spin” out of a bad situation. Their latest buzzword is clustering – where the remaining Catholic churches will share priests and resources all under the banner of such phrases as:

“A vibrant parish reaches out to the world around it…A vibrant parish is a caring and welcoming community of faith…Parishes will need to have coordinated outreach ministries…”

You get the idea.

The biggest joke in the whole Vibrant Parish Life program is the now unmentioned and abandoned Church in the City program announced in 1994. This was supposed to “twin” a suburban parish with an inner-city parish so that, in the spirit of “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” each could experience the “gifts” of the other! But the clergy discovered that suburban Catholics wanted nothing to do with the “gifts” of the inner city!!

Church in the City went over like a lead balloon.

Is it Vibrant Parish Life? Hardly. It’s more like corporate downsizing with a forced smile. Please pray that God continue to expose the phony nature of the Catholic Church, and that many Catholics be graciously granted repentance from Rome and faith ALONE in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

Friday, June 08, 2007

$100,000 Wasted

The Rapid City, South Dakota Catholic Diocese “Has been awarded $100,000 in grant funding to promote excellence in preaching.” This was reported in the May 31 Catholic News Service article titled, “Rapid City Diocese Awarded $100,000 Grant to Promote Better Preaching.”

“The funding was provided by a private foundation that wishes to remain anonymous.”

Comment – I wonder if some Catholic out there was soooooooo bored……zzzzzzzzzzzz……by his priest’s preaching……zzzzzzzzzzzz……that he thinks a $100,000 grant can solve this problem?

“The purpose of the project is to assist clergy and laity in more effectively preaching and listening (emphasis mine) to the word of God.”

Comment – “Listening.” My guess is that in a few years, when Catholics are still as bored as ever at the “homilies” of priests, the clergy will blame the laity for not “listening” properly!

Why is Catholic preaching so lame? Rapid City Bishop Blase Cupich inadvertently gave the answer:

“Good preaching begins with a sound knowledge of scripture and includes reflection on the church’s tradition down through the centuries.”

Mixing the bible with Catholic “tradition down through the centuries” is sure to doom any preaching!! 1 Corinthians 5:6b says, “Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?”

Satan knows full well that the errors of Catholic “tradition” will lead people astray from the truth of the bible. And it doesn’t take much error – my can of Raid Ant and Roach Killer is only .2% poison – but it’s deadly!

Please pray daily that the Spirit of God lead Catholics out of Rome, and into good, bible-based Protestant churches where the bible is taught purely, accurately, and in the power of the Holy Spirit – no man-made “traditions” added!