Friday, July 25, 2008

After 2,000 Years - It's Still in Committee

Catholics like to tell us their church has been around for 2,000 years. If so, then after all this time, they still haven’t figured out to deal with priestly sex offenders!! This was revealed in an interview with Australian Archbishop Philip Wilson of Adelaide, in a July 19 Zenit News Agency article titled, “Toward Never Another Sexual Abuse Crisis.”

Here are some article highlights (italics mine):

“Archbishop Philip Wilson…agrees that the church needs a plan to not only respond, but to also prevent these acts from happening in the future.”

“Also to do the work that’s necessary to make sure that this will and cannot happen again.”

“We need to work out ways in which children can be protected and looked after in our communities without being any danger to them.”

“I think that people everywhere are working really hard at devising the most appropriate ways to respond…”

“We need to be looking at what we need to do as a community in order to develop better child protection systems.”

So……according to His Grace, Rome still needs - “a plan” - “to do the work” - “to work out ways” - “to respond” and - “to be looking at what we need to do.”

What was the archbishop really saying? Here’s a paraphrase: ‘Let’s keep saying we’re working on the problem. We’ll get the priests to lay low for a while, and maybe that will get people off our backs.’ The Catholic Church is responding to the sex abuse issue like any worldly bureaucracy would – it hopes to bury it in committee!!

Question – How long will it take before the Catholic Church finally has “a plan” to deal with priestly child abusers?

Answer- You should live so long!

May God continue to protect children from the Roman priesthood. May He grant many Catholics repentance from the sin of Catholicism, and bless them with saving faith in Christ ALONE for eternal life – no Catholic Church needed!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Follow the Priests -- To Follow the Money

“Churches in Chad, Sudan, and Djibouti Appeal for More Priests, Religious.” This was the title of a July 15 Catholic News Service article.

The Catholic Church is again whining about its “priest shortage,” this time in Africa. So……let’s take a look at the 2001 Statistical Year Book of the (Catholic) Church. The following numbers are Catholics per priest around the world:

Australia – 1536. Europe – 1386. US/Canada – 1420. Latin America – 7120. Africa – 4723.

The solution seems rather obvious. If Africa is suffering from a priest shortage, then Rome should move some priests from Australia, Europe, the USA, and Canada to Africa!

Comment – Fat chance!! It doesn’t appear that many priests are lining up to leave the good life in the USA for the huts, poverty, disease, and squalor of Africa or Latin America!

As a matter of fact, the opposite is happening. The USA, for example, is receiving priests from all over the world!! In 2006, 16% of priests in the USA were foreign-born, and 27% of those ordained to the priesthood were foreign-born.

Why isn’t the pope responding to Africa’s call for priests? The answer is money - this is what’s important to the pope and his church. Catholics in Africa can cry all they want about needing more priests, but rest assured the pope will keep priests where the money is – in Australia, Europe, the USA, and Canada.

Please pray daily for Catholic conversions, as only Christ can free people from the sin of - Roman Catholicism.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Pope -- If You've got the Money, I've got the Indulgence

The Vatican will be holding “World Youth Day” July 15-20 in Sydney, Australia. An estimated 100,000 Catholic youth, in addition to lots of bishops and priests, will attend. The headliner will be Pope Benedict XVI himself!

“World Youth Day” is something John Paul II started in 1985, and now takes place every two-three years.

And once again – the papacy has shown itself to favor those with money. On July 5 it was announced that Benedict XVI will be granting plenary indulgences for those who can afford to make it all the way to Sydney for this event. However, for those who cannot afford to make it, but will pray for the event, the pope will grant only partial indulgences.

What is an indulgence? According to Rome - A remission of the temporal punishment a person is due for sins that have been forgiven.

Question – If the pope has this power – why will he let those who cannot afford a trip to Australia suffer more for the “temporal punishment” of their sins than those who can afford the trip?

Answer – In truth the pope does NOT possess this power. He is a liar, a fraud, and antichrist!

Thank God the real Jesus Christ of the bible does not care one whit about money.

I pray that God show many Catholic youth the false and depraved nature of their church and priesthood. Please pray daily for Catholic conversions, as only Christ can free people from the Roman Catholic Church.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

How to Become Bishop Without Really Trying

In Catholicism, one of the most oft used ways to get ahead is by peppering articles, homilies, and letters with quotations from the popes! Catholic bishops (as well as priests politicking for that bishop’s mitre) are very adept at this. It’s the pope who makes bishops, so those who’ve become bishop have shown an especial talent for flattering the papacy.

Such an example was seen in the June 29 Pastoral Letter titled, The Church Alive, by Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Bishop David Zubik.

Read any Catholic bishop over time, and you’ll see how much they quote the popes. Zubik’s letter is nothing unusual, it’s typical of the stuff they write. For example:

1. “In his apostolic letter The Coming of the Third Millenium, our late Holy Father, Pope John Paul the Great recognized…”

2. “One of those struggles is what Pope Benedict XVI refers to as…”

3. “When recently visiting our country, Pope Benedict challenged us Catholics…”

4. “Pope John Paul II, in his last encyclical to the church…”

5. “On June 29, 2007, in his homily…our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI invited us…”

And this is all just in the first four pages of a 24-page letter.

Oh……and lots of references to the benefits of wafers also goes over well! Zubik wrote:

“As Catholics, we have come to understand the great gift which Jesus Christ instituted as a means for us to abide in the life of God – the Holy Eucharist.”

Comment - Quotes from antichrist (the pope) and worship of the phony Roman wafer-god – I suppose it’s a way to get ahead in the pope’s kingdom, but certainly NOT in God’s kingdom! This only shows the horrible wickedness that flows from the heart of the Catholic priesthood!

May God open the eyes of more Catholics to the iniquitous nature of the Roman priesthood, free them from Rome, and bless them with faith ALONE in Christ for eternal life – no priests, bishops, popes, or wafers needed!