Saturday, November 01, 2008

Pope's Preacher Inspired by Two Adulterers

What brings joy to the heart of the pope's personal preacher when he thinks about life after death? Answer - a movie about two adulterers! This was revealed in the Oct 31 Zenit News Agency article titled, "Life After Death,"

In his commentary on the Roman feasts of All Souls Day and All Saints Day, Father Raniero Cantalamessa used an example from the movie Dr Zhivago to point to life after death and that "Jesus has prepared it (a place) for us."

What was the "example" from the movie? The adulterous relationship betwen Lara and Dr Zhivago! Permit me to quote from the pope's personal preacher at length:

"Those who have seen the movie 'Dr Zhivago' will remember the famous song from Lara, the sound track. The Italian version says: 'I don't know what it is, but there is a place from which we will never return...' The song points to...Two lovers find each other, seek each other, but they are those whom destiny...cruelly separates, until the final scene when their paths cross again, but without recognizing each other."

And here's the kicker:

"Every time I hear the notes of this song, my faith brings me almost to shout out inside me: Yes, there is a place from where we will never return."

The two people in this movie the good Father is referring to are - Lara, a woman who cheated on her husband, and Yuri Zhivago, who cheated on his wife, if you recall, while she was expecting baby number two!

This is what makes the pope's personal preacher want to "shout out inside me?" Wow.

By the way, Father, they weren't "Two lovers," they were two adulterers. Only a Catholic priest could look for inspiration about a guy who left his pregnant wife and small son for another woman.

This is another example of the Roman priesthood letting its wicked heart show! And this just wasn't any priest - but the priest who regularly preaches to the pope! Please pray daily for Catholic conversions.
