Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Masked Catholics

The Archdiocese of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada has prepared guidelines in case bird flu hits their area. This was reported in the Feb 16 Catholic News Service, in an article titled, “Canadian Archdiocese Drafts Guidelines to Prepare for Bird Flu.”

Once again, the screwball notion that Jesus turns Himself into wine and wafers leads to some amusing “guidelines:”

1. “People who handle hosts prior to Mass will be required to wear disposable gloves and masks.”

2. “Eucharistic ministers will have to clean their hands with a hand sanitizer immediately before and after distributing communion.”

3. “If the eucharistic minister accidentally touches a communicant, he or she will have to stop distributing communion and sanitize again before resuming.”


1. Did you notice that priests are not mentioned? As usual, Rome lets the clergy off the hook, while the “eucharistic ministers” (laity who help distribute the wafers) will have to kowtow to these ridiculous procedures!

2. After handling “Jesus,” hand sanitizer is needed? What kind of “Jesus” does Rome have?

3. Will hand sanitizer dispensers be conveniently placed on the altars?

Another guideline concerns “confession.” The priest and “penitent” would not meet in the confessional box, but in an open area. They are to be at least three feet apart and – they will both have to wear masks!!

Since we’re dealing with man-made rules, let me make a few suggestions:

Maybe priests should start the Mass by saying, “Masks in place everyone?”

Or, maybe microwave ovens can be placed on the altar, and the Roman “Jesus” be zapped to kill any germs before distribution?

Roman Catholicism – man-made rules for a man-made religion. May the Spirit of our gracious God free more Catholics from the sin of Catholicism and bless them with saving faith in Christ ALONE for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life, no masked priests needed.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


With the recent investigation of Catholic churches because of the sex-abuse scandals, now other problems are coming to light as church records are examined and the laity are more emboldened to tell the truth about their priests. This was reported in a Feb 15 Time magazine article titled, "Pilfering Priests."

"Klepto-Clerics" is what the article calls those priests who've been stealing money from their parishes. More and more priests are being exposed. The article gave a few examples:

1. One priest in Florida "gave a 'girlfriend' $134,000, made rare coin purchases for $275,000, and owned an oceanfront condominium worth $455,000." And – when investigations began, he gave each church secretary a Christmas card with $1,500 in it, hoping to buy their silence!

2. "Last year a Connecticut priest was accused of pilfering up to $1.4 million to pay for his Audi cars, luxury-hotel stays, jewelry for his boyfriend, and a Fort Lauderdale condo."

3. "Last month a Virginia priest was indicted for allegedly embezzling $600,000 from two Catholic churches – in part to help support the woman and three children he had been secretly living with."

What's the problem? A college professor specializing in church finances said, "I'm appalled at the lack of internal (financial) controls at Catholic parishes."

Even a Catholic diocesan auditor said, "Some pastors still carry an Old World attitude that what's in the collection baskets is theirs personally to do with as they wish."

However, the article asks the BEST question: "But as in the sex-abuse crisis, many are asking, 'Where are the bishops?'"


Are the bishops acting to reform the financial audit process? According to the article, "Only a handful...of US dioceses are cracking down" on this financial malfeasance. And here's the kicker:

"The US Conference of Catholic Bishops insists that canon law does not allow the Vatican or the Conference to impose such reforms on dioceses."

"Where are the bishops?" The answer is – hiding behind "canon law." How can anyone in their right mind think Catholic bishops are "successors to the apostles" as they claim?

The 8th commandment (Ex 20:15) says, "Thou shalt not steal." What does our Lord Jesus think about Catholic rules like "canon law?" He said in Matthew 15:9, "But in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

Once again I thank God for exposing the wickedness of the Catholic Church. May He use this latest example of Roman corruption to grant more Catholics repentance from Rome, and faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. No "pilfering priests" needed!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Pope Says God Has - "Eros" - For Man

Pope Benedict XVI said some weird and unbiblical things about God in his 2007 “Lenten Message.” This was reported in a Feb 13 Zenit News Agency article titled, “God Thirsts for Human Love, Pope Says.” His Holiness said:

“On the cross, God’s EROS (emphasis mine) for us is made manifest.”

“Is there more ‘mad EROS’ than that which led the Son of God to make Himself one with us…”

The pope is nuts! “Eros” in its Greek meaning refers to sexual desire – inside or outside of marriage, as well as heterosexual or homosexual. In English, we get our word “erotic” from “eros.”

This is an interesting choice of word because the New Testament NEVER uses the word “eros.” And for good reason!! Trench’s Synonyms of the NT says:

“Eros never occurs in the NT…Their (referring to its corresponding noun and adj) absence, which is significant, is partially explained by the way that the world has corrupted their meanings. These words had become so associated with the idea of sensual passion and carried such an aura of unholiness about them that they were not used in Scripture.”

In Greek mythology, Eros was the son of Aphrodite (the goddess of love), but there are differences as to who the father was! One encyclopedia said:

“Eros was the primordial god responsible for lust, love, and sex; he was also worshipped as a fertility deity…Eros was principally the patron of male love…”

Comment – “The patron of male love.” In ancient Greece, Eros was especially worshipped as the patron god of those men who had sexual relationships with young boys! No wonder the boss of the perverted Roman Catholic priesthood picked such a word. His priests today still worship Eros!!

Roman Catholicism is a counterfeit Christianity. Only antichrist could be brazen enough to say such a horrible thing about God. Please pray that God breaks the teeth of the papacy, and grants many Catholics repentance from Rome and faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bible and Koran Equal? The Pope Thinks So......

Pope Benedict XVI recently received the board officers of something called the "Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue." This was reported in a Feb 1 article titled, "Pope Says Jews, Christians, Muslims are Called to Develop Bonds," in The Pilot, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston.

This group is another one of those ecumenical fronts featuring Catholic priests, Moslem Imams, and Jewish rabbis. The pope (or Herr Ratzinger as he was called back then) was one of the founding members in 1999.

The visiting officers presented to His Holiness the group's first completed project – a joint edition, and in chronological order, of "the Hebrew bible, the New Testament, and the Quran (koran) in their original languages." The article said:

"The pope also said that reading the three texts together can help believers 'discern and reject' ideas and actions that violate God's will and human dignity."

Comment – How many people have the ability to read Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Arabic? The pope has got to be kidding!! No one's going to read this thing!

But, the pope again shows himself a blasphemer by approving of a koran being tacked on to the bible. "Allah" says in the koran in Surah 2:186:

"I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me WITHOUT ANY MEDIATOR OR INTERCESSOR (emphasis mine)."

I've read the koran from start to finish, and made note of the many places where it is in opposition to the bible. For example, the BIBLE says man needs a mediator! John 14:6 says:

"Jesus saith unto him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.'"

The bible is from heaven. The koran is from hell. Only a wicked man like the pope would dare shake his fist at God and place a bible in a "joint edition" with a koran.

Roman Catholicism will continue to drag the bible down to the level of other world religion literature as the papacy constantly seeks to make itself master of a global religious system. Pray fervently that God protect us from the papacy!