Masked Catholics
The Archdiocese of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada has prepared guidelines in case bird flu hits their area. This was reported in the Feb 16 Catholic News Service, in an article titled, “Canadian Archdiocese Drafts Guidelines to Prepare for Bird Flu.”
Once again, the screwball notion that Jesus turns Himself into wine and wafers leads to some amusing “guidelines:”
1. “People who handle hosts prior to Mass will be required to wear disposable gloves and masks.”
2. “Eucharistic ministers will have to clean their hands with a hand sanitizer immediately before and after distributing communion.”
3. “If the eucharistic minister accidentally touches a communicant, he or she will have to stop distributing communion and sanitize again before resuming.”
1. Did you notice that priests are not mentioned? As usual, Rome lets the clergy off the hook, while the “eucharistic ministers” (laity who help distribute the wafers) will have to kowtow to these ridiculous procedures!
2. After handling “Jesus,” hand sanitizer is needed? What kind of “Jesus” does Rome have?
3. Will hand sanitizer dispensers be conveniently placed on the altars?
Another guideline concerns “confession.” The priest and “penitent” would not meet in the confessional box, but in an open area. They are to be at least three feet apart and – they will both have to wear masks!!
Since we’re dealing with man-made rules, let me make a few suggestions:
Maybe priests should start the Mass by saying, “Masks in place everyone?”
Or, maybe microwave ovens can be placed on the altar, and the Roman “Jesus” be zapped to kill any germs before distribution?
Roman Catholicism – man-made rules for a man-made religion. May the Spirit of our gracious God free more Catholics from the sin of Catholicism and bless them with saving faith in Christ ALONE for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life, no masked priests needed.
Once again, the screwball notion that Jesus turns Himself into wine and wafers leads to some amusing “guidelines:”
1. “People who handle hosts prior to Mass will be required to wear disposable gloves and masks.”
2. “Eucharistic ministers will have to clean their hands with a hand sanitizer immediately before and after distributing communion.”
3. “If the eucharistic minister accidentally touches a communicant, he or she will have to stop distributing communion and sanitize again before resuming.”
1. Did you notice that priests are not mentioned? As usual, Rome lets the clergy off the hook, while the “eucharistic ministers” (laity who help distribute the wafers) will have to kowtow to these ridiculous procedures!
2. After handling “Jesus,” hand sanitizer is needed? What kind of “Jesus” does Rome have?
3. Will hand sanitizer dispensers be conveniently placed on the altars?
Another guideline concerns “confession.” The priest and “penitent” would not meet in the confessional box, but in an open area. They are to be at least three feet apart and – they will both have to wear masks!!
Since we’re dealing with man-made rules, let me make a few suggestions:
Maybe priests should start the Mass by saying, “Masks in place everyone?”
Or, maybe microwave ovens can be placed on the altar, and the Roman “Jesus” be zapped to kill any germs before distribution?
Roman Catholicism – man-made rules for a man-made religion. May the Spirit of our gracious God free more Catholics from the sin of Catholicism and bless them with saving faith in Christ ALONE for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life, no masked priests needed.