Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Do Catholics Hate God?

A class teaching people to paint icons of Christ will be held June 9-13 at St Emilian Catholic Church in Brunswick, Ohio. This was reported in the March 2 issue of the Horizons, the newspaper of the Diocese of Parma, Ohio, in an article titled, “Father Visnovsky to Teach Icon Writing/Painting Class in Brunswick.”

“Iconography students will be able to choose from two images of Christ Pantocrator (Greek for “almighty,”) or the Holy Napkin (Veronica’s Veil). This class is appropriate for beginners as well as those with artistic experience.”

This shows one of the most basic places where the Church of Rome corrupts the word of God – by omitting the 2nd Commandment (Ex 20:4: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”), and then making up for it by splitting the 10th Commandment (Ex 20:17: “Thou shalt not covet”) into two Commandments.

How does the Catholic Church justify their use of images and statues in worship? They’ll say that since the Son of God became a man, it’s okay to make images now. Or, because God allowed the Ark of the Covenant to be created, therefore “objects” can be used in “worship.”


1. Deuteronomy 16:17 says: “Neither shall thou set thee up any image; which the LORD thy God hateth.” God has not changed His mind about images. He still hates images!

2. The Ark of the Covenant was only seen by one man, the high priest, one day a year. It was not for the people to look at or even come near to. And who is our high priest today? Christ. That the Ark of the Covenant existed is no reason to employ any images or statues in worship.

(When I was a Catholic, I used to bow down to such things, kneel before them, kiss them, and use them in worship.)

After giving the 2nd Commandment, God commented on it in Ex 20:5:

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them (images): for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me (emphasis mine).”

"Hate Me" – God says those who use images "hate" Him. The bible is very clear – we don’t need a “magisterium” to interpret this!

I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for freeing me from Rome, and that on the cross His blood paid for my sin of using images. May the Spirit of God open the hearts of those taking this class, as well as many other Catholics, to what the word of God says about images – and grant them repentance from Rome and faith ALONE in Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no icons, images, or statues needed!

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Bible" - How Rome Likes It

The Catholic Church’s perverted view of the bible was on display, literally, the past three months at the Phoenix Art Museum, as the “St John’s Bible” just ended a three month-stint there on March 9. What is the St John’s Bible?

It is a hand-written, medieval-style, vellum (calfskin) paged, replete with illustrations bible. It was commissioned several years ago by the St John’s Abbey in Minnesota, and produced by Donald Jackson, a Welsh artist and former scribe to Queen Elizabeth II.

This was reported in The Catholic Sun, the Phoenix, Arizona diocesan newspaper, in a Dec 6, 2007 article titled, “Illuminated Bible Exhibit Celebrates the Old in a New Way.”

St John’s Abbey Father Eric Hollas said, “We wanted to emphasize that the art and illuminations of this bible should be contemporary…something that would express 21st century artistic temperament.”

And – Father Hollas got his wish! Here are some of the screwball things incorporated into this bible:

1. Several illustrations incorporate images of the Hubble Space Telescope.

2. “Across the pages of the Book of Psalms are graphic renditions of sound waves, representing that Jews and Christians alike have sung these sacred poems for centuries.”

3. Other illustrations “point to themes of hospitality, the link between Judaism and Christianity, women in the bible, and the poor and oppressed.”

4. Adam and Eve are portrayed as Africans, while the decorative framing around them includes African tapestry patterns with a Peruvian feather cape.

Interesting……How do you spell politically correct?

Comment – You ought to see some of the other “illustrations” in this bible – it all looks like trash from Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollack, or stuff I did in 3rd grade art class. It’s that bad!!

This bible is written in English using the NRSV translation. Calligraphers created all sorts of new, medieval-style letters for this “bible.” For example, in the Pentateuch, there are over 70 different ways the letter “T” is drawn.

Hollas said, “Art has the ability to cross the gap and project a message that words alone sometimes cannot do (emphasis mine).”

This project reveals the real attitude of Catholicism toward the bible – all gussied up but difficult, if not impossible to read and understand! The heart of Rome yearns for those days when bibles were locked up in monasteries and churches, unread by the people. The last thing a Catholic priest wants is people reading (gasp!) a bible!

Father Hollas is a liar – “words alone” have served the purposes of God quite well. Romans 10:17 says: “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Thank God for the printing press! Every day as you open your bible, ask God to protect us from the Catholic Church, because you can bet guys like Father Hollas would just love to take our bibles away!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Church Law to Supersede US Law?

The March 2 East Valley/Scottsdale (Arizona) Tribune reported in an article titled, “Jury Decision Could Rest on Church Law:”

“A state grand jury may soon be asked to do what perhaps no other has before: consider religious law in deciding whether to charge someone with a crime. The case is that of Dennis Riccitelli, a former Roman Catholic priest charged in 2004 with fraud and stealing thousands of dollars from his Mesa church.”

“In the middle of last year, while the case was preparing for trial, a Maricopa County Superior Court judge decided those criminal charges were flawed - in part because prosecutors didn't tell the grand jury about the laws of the Roman Catholic Church, known as canon law.”

“Riccitelli's lawyers had argued the priest was acting within Catholic law when he supposedly used real estate and check-writing schemes to line his own pockets with about $160,000 of the church's money. Under canon law, a priest has the right to spend his church's money however he sees fit, his lawyers told the judge. So likely no matter how he used the church's money, he could not have run afoul of Arizona law.”

“After hearing the argument, Judge Silvia Arellano decided Riccitelli didn't get a fair shot with the grand jury. She threw out the case and told prosecutors to try again. If they wanted to make the charges against Riccitelli stick, she ruled, they'd have to tell the grand jurors about the Roman Catholic brand of law.”

“’Church law and policies are directly relevant in determining whether (the) defendant committed the crimes he is charged with,’ Arellano wrote. Arellano's decision appears to be unprecedented in the state. In no other case has a judge decided that religious law should be used to examine potential crimes, according to lawyers involved with the case and a national legal expert.”

Comment - Champagne corks must be popping in every diocesan office in the country!! The Roman Church has, along with other liberals, been agitating for US courts to look at laws outside of US law in making judicial decisions.

This is a frightening legal decision. If it sticks, look for Catholic lawyers in the future to quote this legal “precedent” set by Judge Senora Arellano. Where could this lead: Could a Moslem kill his wife and not be charged because Islamic law may allow it? Could Mormons go back to polygamy? Could priests have free reign in stealing money from churches?

Rome has always been the enemy of free, Protestant nations, and has incessantly worked for their destruction. Are you praying daily that God protect the United States from the Roman Catholic Church? If not, please start.