Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Priest Indicted in Sex Case Opens Worship Center"

Monsignor Dale Fushek of the Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, “Indicted on seven misdemeanor charges of sex-related behavior with male teens…between 1984 and 1994” and awaiting trial, is not idling his time away while on leave from the diocese. This was reported in the Nov 24 issue of the East Valley/Scottsdale (Arizona) Tribune, in an article titled, “Priest Indicted in Sex Case Opens Worship Center.”

Fushek has started something called the “Praise and Worship Center,” a ministry “Billed as non-denominational and intended to complement – not take the place of – people’s primary worship elsewhere.” The Nov 22 service at the Mesa Convention Center “Featured prayer, music, praise, and a message.” They meet next on Dec 23.

“Fushek, 55, faces one count of assault, five counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one count of indecent exposure. Teens complained that he carried on sexually explicit discussions with them during confession, exposed himself to them as he got into his hot tub and created a sexually charged setting with teens present.”

A spokesman for the diocese lamely said, “We have no control on what he (Fushek) does as a Catholic citizen.”

A web site called, which solicits money for Fushek’s legal defense says:

“He misses the community that was removed from his life…he misses working with the youth (emphasis mine).”

Comment – I’ll bet “he misses working with the youth!!”

Fushek also used to be the diocesan vicar general – second in command in the diocese. He held this office under former Bishop Thomas O’Brien. The same Bishop O’Brien who in 2003 hit and killed a man with his car, and whose initial defense was that he thought he had hit a rock!

We thank God for again exposing the wicked nature of the Roman priesthood. Pray daily that God open the eyes of Catholics to the wickedness inherent in their church, that He bless them with repentance from Rome forever, and give them faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no Catholic priest needed!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Catholic Church - Still Blaming "Society"

Last year the US Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned a $335,000 study from John Jay College, “Of the causes and contexts of the sexual abuse crisis in the church.” The study’s researchers updated the bishops last week at the bishops’ annual meeting. This was reported in The Catholic News Service Nov 14 article titled, “Abuse Study Expected to Reveal Insights About Societal Events.”

This study is a high-priced whitewash posing as scholarly “research,” and is trying to shift the blame for Catholic sex abuse to things such as “Societal Events,” instead of its true cause - the perverted nature of the Roman priesthood!

Comment – This has been a Catholic excuse since 2001. It goes something like: ‘Society and culture have really gotten bad the past 40-50 years, and it’s rubbed off on some people. Therefore the culture is to blame for sex abuse, not our poor priests or the Church!’

Let’s see what these so-called “researchers” are finding out about sex abuse in the Catholic Church. For example:

“Early research seems to indicate that the patterns of sexual abuse within the church are consistent with the experience of society as a whole.”

“General societal changes have had significant impact on the lives of those who are part of or closely associated with religious organizations.”

There it is again!! It’s the fault of “society as a whole” and “general societal changes.”

As the “studies” continue, the researchers will again report to the bishops at their 2008 annual meeting. I fully expect that report to point the blame in many directions – but not at the bishops or their priests!

Please keep praying daily for Catholic conversions, and that God “break the teeth” (Psalm 58:6) of this man-made religion that has protected child molesters for so many years!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Jumping on the Bandwagon

With the Catholic Church having been so thoroughly exposed as a haven and protector of child molesters and perverts, Roman clergy are now loudly proclaiming themselves as defenders of children whenever a story of sexual abuse appears in the media. That is – whenever the abuse was in a place other than the Catholic Church!!

Such blatant hypocrisy was seen in an article by Archbishop Harry Flynn of the Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the Nov 1 issue of The Catholic Spirit, the archdiocesan newspaper. The article was titled (and please don’t laugh):

“Let’s Work Together to Eradicate Child Abuse.”

Comment – He’s got to be kidding!! Where was His Grace on this issue five years ago?

Flynn was commenting on a recent AP story about sex abuse in public schools. Here are some examples of his laughable Catholic hypocrisy:

“We as a community, as a state, and as a nation must embrace this plague of sex abuse…and work for the long-haul to eradicate it from our homes, schools, community groups, and places of worship.”

“The Catholic Church must be concerned about all child-victims of sexual abuse, no matter where it occurs.”

“The Associated Press has done a huge service to the nation by undertaking and publishing this study on sexual misconduct in public schools.”

Comment – Can we really believe this guy?? Especially the line about the media doing a “huge service.” The Catholic Church hates the media for how it exposed them in the past several years!! A dictatorial institution like the Catholic Church cannot brook any criticism.

Flynn ended his article thusly:

“It is time for all of these well-intentioned people and groups to dedicate their time and resources on the deeply entrenched problem of sexual abuse in our public schools in this country.”

Comment – Flynn forgot something. What about parochial schools?

Rome has lately paid out a lot of money in lawsuits and gotten rid of a few priests, but most of the priestly perverts are still out there, they’re just being a little more careful now. The Roman priesthood and monastic system will continue to attract an inordinate amount of queers and fairies to its ranks.

May God continue to protect children from – the Roman Catholic Church.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Catholic "Retreat" - More Like Political Indoctrination!

The Catholic Church continues to prepare American Catholics for the Mexicanization of the USA. This was reported in the Nov 1 issue of The Catholic Sun, the newspaper of the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona, in an article titled, “Young Americans, Mexicans, Experience Faith on the Border.”

The dioceses of Phoenix, Tucson, Arizona, and Hermosillo, Mexico, sent about 100 teenagers to a weekend retreat in Nogales, Mexico. The purpose? To help “Catholics from the United States and Mexico (to) get to know each other better.”

It was more political indoctrination than religious retreat, designed to brainwash young American Catholics into thinking there is nothing wrong with massive illegal immigration. Here are some “retreat” highlights:

1. They went to a border wall (on the Mexican side) and looked at graffiti, excuse me……murals depicting “artists renderings of hope and fear painted on the border barrier.”

2. Watched a movie called Dying to Live, a propaganda piece about “why immigrants leave their native land and the hardships suffered on the journey.”

3. Examined newspaper and magazine articles on the border and social divisions.

Question - What kind of a Catholic parent would put his kid through such a weekend?

Answer – A parent trying to kiss up to his local priest!

As is always the case with the Catholic Church – they never give you the full story. For example, I doubt the teenagers were told:

1. At least 4.5 million pounds of cocaine is smuggled across the US-Mexican border each year.

2. Illegal aliens are involved in criminal activities at a rate that is 2-5 times their representative proportion of the population.

3, Over 67% of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

The list is endless……

The Catholic Church is an enemy of the United States, seeking to dump the 500 years of Mexican Catholic corruption and poverty on to the United States. Please pray daily that God protect the USA from this illegal alien and Catholic attack upon America.